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Veriskin is a medical device company dedicated to facilitating and improving the accuracy of skin cancer screening. Uncertainty in the initial assessment by non-specialist caregivers leads to failure to detect cancer at an early, more treatable stage, hundreds of malpractice claims due to false negative diagnoses and many unnecessary specialist referrals and biopsies. Veriskin has developed a non-invasive, low-cost, hand-held device that aids a non-expert user to rapidly and objectively determine whether a suspect skin lesion is cancerous.Details
- Revolutionary Truscore device capable of detecting skin cancers during first examination in 2 minutes – non invasive and does not require specialistic evaluation from dermathologist
- Based on optical detection of vascular abnormalities – supported by AI
- 100% sensitivity and 97% specificity vs. 54% sensitivity and 71% specificity of naked eye examinations
- Will become an indispensible tool for first line analysis at GP – elimination of false positives and early detection of real skin cancers with many saved lives
- Business model based on sales of device plus examination fee – efficiency and selectivity permits and overall saving for NHS
- $7,7BN market opportunity – targets $200M in revenues
- Supported by NIH with a $1,9M grant – Seeking $7 M for Round A